Scheme of Arrangement – FIRB Approval

Piedmont Lithium Limited (ASX:PLL, NASDAQ:PLL) (Piedmont or Company) refers to its proposed re-domiciliation from Australia to the United States via a Scheme of Arrangement under which Piedmont Lithium Inc. (Piedmont US), a newly formed US Corporation, will acquire Piedmont (Scheme).

Piedmont is pleased to announce that Piedmont US has received confirmation from the Australian Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB) that the Commonwealth has no objection to the Scheme. The receipt of this ‘no objection letter’ from FIRB satisfies the condition precedent in clause 3.1(a)(iii) of the Scheme Implementation Deed (SID) between Piedmont and Piedmont US, a copy of which was released on the ASX on December 9, 2020.

The Scheme remains subject to a number of outstanding conditions, including Court approval and the satisfaction, or waiver, of other conditions as outlined in the Scheme Booklet and in the SID. This announcement has been authorized for release by the Company’s Company Secretary.

Piedmont Lithium Announces Results Of Scheme Meeting

NEW YORK – Piedmont Lithium Limited (“Piedmont” or the “Company”) (Nasdaq:PLL; ASX:PLL) is pleased to provide the following update on the status of its proposed re-domiciliation from Australia to the United States.

Piedmont shareholders have today approved, by the requisite majorities, the proposed scheme of arrangement pursuant to which it is proposed that Piedmont Lithium Inc. (Piedmont US) will acquire 100% of the shares in Piedmont (Scheme).

In accordance with Listing Rule 3.13.2 and section 251AA of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth), a detailed report of proxies received and the votes cast in respect to the resolution approving the Scheme is included as Appendix 1 to this announcement.

Although Piedmont shareholder approval has been obtained, the Scheme remains subject to a number of conditions as set out in the Scheme Implementation Deed (a full copy of which is disclosed within the scheme booklet, which is available on the ASX website at and on Piedmont’s website at, including:

  • Foreign Investment Review Board approval;
  • the Supreme Court of Western Australia approving the Scheme (Second Court Hearing);
  • the independent expert continuing to conclude that the Scheme is in the best interests of shareholders; and
  • the satisfaction or waiver of any remaining conditions prior to the Second Court Hearing.

Subject to these remaining conditions being satisfied or waived, implementation of the Scheme is expected to occur on May 17, 2021.

Further information

If you require further information or have questions, please contact the please contact the Piedmont Scheme Information Line on 1300 218 182 (within Australia) or +61 3 9415 4233 (outside Australia) Monday to Friday between 8:30am and 5:00pm (AEDT).

This announcement has been authorized for release by the Company’s Company Secretary, Mr Gregory Swan.

Click here to view the full ASX Announcement.

Keith Phillips

President & CEO

T: +1 973 809 0505


Brian Risinger

VP – Investor Relations and Corporate Communications

T: +1 704 910 9688


Scheme of Arrangement – Satisfaction of Condition Precedent

Piedmont Lithium Limited (ASX:PLL, NASDAQ:PLL) (Piedmont or Company) refers to Piedmont’s proposed re­ domiciliation from Australia to the United States via a Scheme of Arrangement under which Piedmont Lithium Inc. (Piedmont US), a newly formed US Corporation, will acquire Piedmont (Scheme).

Piedmont is pleased to announce that Piedmont US has received a conditional admission letter from ASX advising that ASX will admit Piedmont US to the official list of ASX and grant official quotation for the securities of Piedmont US, subject to the satisfaction of certain conditions precedent. The receipt of the ASX conditional admission letter satisfies the condition precedent in clause 3.1(e) of the Scheme Implementation Deed (SID) between Piedmont and Piedmont US, a copy of which was released on the ASX on December 9, 2020.

The Scheme remains subject to a number of outstanding conditions, including approval of Piedmont shareholders, FIRB approval, Court approval and the satisfaction, or waiver, of other conditions as outlined in the Scheme Booklet and in the SID. This announcement has been authorized for release by the Company’s Company Secretary.

Scheme Meeting on April 29, 2021

  • Scheme Meeting to be held on Thursday April 29, 2021
  • Piedmont shareholders encouraged to attend Scheme meeting electronically

Piedmont Lithium Limited (ASX:PLL, NASDAQ:PLL) (Piedmont or Company) refers to Piedmont’s proposed re­ domiciliation from Australia to the United States via a Scheme of Arrangement under which Piedmont Lithium Inc. (Piedmont US), a newly formed US Corporation, will acquire Piedmont (Scheme).

Scheme Meeting

Piedmont advises that the meeting of Piedmont shareholders to approve the Scheme will be held in person and electronically on Thursday April 29, 2021 at the Conference Room, Ground Floor, 28 The Esplanade, Perth, Western Australia at 10:00am (AWST) (Scheme Meeting).

Due to the recent restrictions on public gatherings in Western Australia due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the Company advises that the venue for the Scheme Meeting has restrictions on the number of Piedmont shareholders who can physically attend the Scheme Meeting.

Accordingly, Piedmont strongly encourages all Piedmont shareholders to attend the Scheme Meeting electronically.

Participation at the Scheme Meeting electronically enables Piedmont shareholders to view the Scheme Meeting live, ask questions and vote at the Scheme Meeting. Details of how to attend and participate in the Scheme Meeting electronically through the online platform and vote online are contained in the notice of meeting (Notice of Scheme Meeting) included as an annexure to the Supplementary Scheme Booklet released on April 1, 2021, and reproduced below.

Voting online

Shareholders and their proxies, attorneys or corporate representatives may attend the Scheme Meeting online by visiting and entering the meeting ID 303-030-820. This online platform will allow shareholders to attend the Scheme Meeting in real time and allow them to vote and ask questions.

Shareholders will need the following information to participate in the Scheme Meeting:

  1. The Meeting ID, which is 303-030-820;
  2. Username: which is your SRN/HIN; and
  3. Password: your password is the postcode registered to your holding if you are an Australian shareholder. Overseas shareholders should refer to the Lumi Online Voting Guide available from

Attorneys and corporate representatives of Shareholders will need the username and password of the Shareholder they are representing.

Proxy holders will need to contact Computershare Investor Services on +61394154024 during the two hours before the start of the meeting to receive their unique username and password. Further information regarding participating in the Scheme  Meeting electronically, including browser requirements,  is detailed in the Lumi Online Voting Guide available at

Registration will open at least one hour prior to the start of the Scheme Meeting. We recommend logging on to the online platform at least 15 minutes prior to the scheduled start time for the Scheme Meeting. If you require technical assistance please call +61 3 9415 4024.

Further information

If you require further information or have questions, please contact the Piedmont Scheme Information Line on 1300 218 182 (within Australia) or +61 3 9415 4233 (outside Australia) Monday to Friday between 8:30am and 5:00pm (AEDT).

ASX Information Memorandum

Piedmont US has provided the accompanying Information Memorandum to ASX as part of its application to be listed on ASX. This announcement has been authorized for release by the Company’s Company Secretary.