Piedmont Lithium Limited Scheme Booklet

Piedmont Lithium Limited Scheme Booklet

PRESS RELEASE  |  March 3, 2021  |  NASDAQ:PLL  |  ASX:PLL

For a scheme of arrangement between Piedmont Lithium Limited and Shareholders in relation to the proposed re-domicile of Piedmont in the United States.

Your Directors unanimously recommend that you VOTE IN FAVOUR of the Scheme.

The Independent Expert has also concluded that the Scheme is in the best interests of Shareholders

This is an important document and requires your immediate attention. You should read this document in its entirety before deciding whether or not to vote in favour of the Scheme. If you are in any doubt as to how to deal with this document, you should consult your financial, legal or other professional adviser immediately.

If you require further information or have questions in relation to the Scheme, please contact the Piedmont Scheme Information Line on 1300 218 182 (within Australia) or +61 3 9415 4233 (outside Australia) Monday to Friday between 8:30am and 5:00pm (AEDT)

For further information, contact:

Media Relations

Malissa Gordon
VP, Government Affairs
T: +1 704 491 9130
E: mgordon@piedmontlithium.com

Investor Relations

John Koslow
FP&A and Investor Relations Manager
T: +1 516 320 0842
E: jkoslow@piedmontlithium.com