Letter to Shareholders – Annual General Meeting

Letter to Shareholders – Annual General Meeting

PRESS RELEASE  |  October 23, 2020  |  NASDAQ:PLL  |  ASX:PLL

Dear Shareholder,

Annual General Meeting – Notice and Proxy Form

Piedmont Lithium Limited (Company) advises that its 2020 Annual General Meeting will be held at the Conference Room, Ground Floor, 28 The Esplanade, Perth, Western Australia on Wednesday, 25 November 2020 at 10am (AWST) (Meeting).

The Board is closely monitoring the rapidly changing coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The health of the Company’s Shareholders, employees and other stakeholders is of paramount importance.

While the Board would like to host all Shareholders in person, in order to minimize the risk to Shareholders and to the Company and its ongoing operations, the Company suggests that Shareholders do not attend the Meeting in person.

Accordingly, the Directors strongly encourage all Shareholders to lodge Proxy Forms prior to the Meeting. The Company advises that a poll will be conducted for each of the resolutions.

The Company will not be sending shareholders a hard copy of the Notice of Meeting (NOM) by post ahead of the Meeting. This approach is consistent with the relief provided by the Australian Treasurer in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Instead, the NOM is being made available to shareholders electronically and can be viewed and downloaded online from the Company’s website at https://ir.piedmontlithium.com/asx-announcements and the ASX
announcements platform.

A copy of the Proxy Form is enclosed for your convenience.

The Board will continue to monitor Australian Government restrictions on public gatherings. If it becomes necessary or appropriate to make alternative arrangements to those set out in the NOM, the Company will notify Shareholders accordingly via the Company’s website at www.piedmontlithium.com and the ASX announcements platform.

Yours sincerely,
Greg Swan
Company Secretary

For further information, contact:

Media Relations

Malissa Gordon
VP, Government Affairs
T: +1 704 491 9130
E: mgordon@piedmontlithium.com

Investor Relations

John Koslow
FP&A and Investor Relations Manager
T: +1 516 320 0842
E: jkoslow@piedmontlithium.com